Tuesday, August 5, 2008

To sleep or not to sleep. . .

Okay - so last night I was up off and on all night. My father got admitted to the ER with a fever of 101 which caused him to have delirium and have difficulty standing and walking and basically doing anything else. Luckily Dad was where they could look into his condition and figure out what needed to be done. And also I am blessed to have several brothers who jump in when these situations have come up and take charge. We worked out a shift system so that after the first several hours in the waiting room, we took turns being with Mom.

Dad's fever broke in the middle of the night. The delirium has worn off some, but he is still not really aware of where he is or why. He is still sleeping a lot.

The hospital is still trying to figure out what caused the fever although they have ruled out many things.

With his dementia, the fever is probably what caused the delirium. It is just hard to know what to do - call the doctor, go to ER, or wait it out. Last night though, I know my brother Patrick made the correct decision by taking him to the ER.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I hope you get some sleep tonight- I have been through that and it sucks. Hope your dad is doing better. You are doing a great job:)