Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Favorite speaker talks about creating balance with our family in this fast-paced world

I was excited Tuesday morning to attend a talk at my son's school - where my favorite parenting speaker was coaching us on the secrets to creating balance. As usual she was wonderful. I want to share her handout and suggestions.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Photos Photos Everywhere

Way to take on too many projects at once. I do this all the time to myself. I think, oh I can do this little project. Then I end up doing several photo projects at once and I get burnt out. I told Mason's aunt that I could scan a family album and burn the photos to cds. Then she brought me a second album, then more photos. I worked hard on it for a day and then added it to my list to do. And put it on the back burner for a week. Then last week I picked it up again. Then I got several other ideas of things to scan. Whew! Please let me finish one project before I start another!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Pepper, Pepper, Pepper

Our black lab "Pepper" has been not holding food down and vomiting off and on for the last week. We took her in last Friday and they did a first checkup then gave us some suggestions for treatment over the weekend. We took her in again on Monday because it had continued. They did bloodwork which was fine. Then the x-ray showed her intestines seemed kinked. We thought she had eaten something she wasn't supposed to - because she is known for that. Nope. Today they did surgery and found a tumor. They removed 3 inches of her stomach and hope they have gotten all the cancer. They will biopsy it and let us know next week.