Saturday, January 31, 2009

Slow Learner

So, new computers seem to be my theme for 2009. I got one to use in my office at work - and that has a lot larger learning curve because it is a Mac. I have worked on them off and on, but not had one that I could call my own in more than 6 years. Then at home, DH got me a laptop that we can use as our home computer.

This week I have been having difficulty with finicky mouses, strange buttons in stranger places, and getting used to the whole wireless and sharing capabilities.

So I realized that I have become a slow learner.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Blog backgrounds

I am not sure how many folks actually read my blog and would notice any changes, but I have added the "Followers" gadget and hope that if you do follow my blog you would become a "follower" so that I know.

I have an itch to get just the right blog template and background. I have tried several free ones in the last few weeks and just can't find what I am looking for. I have tried btemplates, pyzam and the basic ones offered on blogger. I am back to blogger for the time being because at least it recognizes all of the boxes and updates when you need it to, etc.

I am not sure if you know it, but I am a rearranger - house rearranger that is - and this fills that same need. So it might be ongoing. I will keep you posted! ha ha

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Spring Joyful Hearts

My Spring bible study will start in 2 weeks. They picked a book that sounds really intriguing! "If You want to walk on water, you've got to get out of the boat" by John Ortberg.

Has anyone read it?

Les Vents d'Anges Viognier

Am I speaking another language? Well, kind of. This is the name of one of the Virginia wines that I have tried recently. I got a mixed case of wine from Keswick Vineyards and feel as if I am trying all new things. My friend suggested these wines and said that her favorite is the Cabernet Franc. So far that is my favorite also.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Caravati Christmas Party slideshow

Click on the title bar to see some of the recently acquired 40+ photos that I used in the 2008 Caravati Christmas Party slideshow.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Set for the Sailing Season!

DH has gotten all excited about the 2009 sailing season and
made some purchases over the off season.

We are all looking forward to being at the river more this year
and being on the water more too!

headaches, ugh

Oh - I have had the worst headache ever. Course, I don't usually get headaches! I have a sinus infection and it has been horrible. I don't know how folks that get headaches on a regular basis can deal with it.

I went to the doctor last Friday afternoon and he gave me a prescription medicine and ear drops. So I thought by Monday I would be feeling better. Wrong.

I feel like I was whining when I called back and told them I was feeling worse. So I went back in yesterday afternoon. This time he gave me a steroid pack to take - thinking that the swollen sinus passages and ear could be the problem.

I am feeling much better today. Now that is more like it!