Thursday, October 8, 2009

Pepper, Pepper, Pepper

Our black lab "Pepper" has been not holding food down and vomiting off and on for the last week. We took her in last Friday and they did a first checkup then gave us some suggestions for treatment over the weekend. We took her in again on Monday because it had continued. They did bloodwork which was fine. Then the x-ray showed her intestines seemed kinked. We thought she had eaten something she wasn't supposed to - because she is known for that. Nope. Today they did surgery and found a tumor. They removed 3 inches of her stomach and hope they have gotten all the cancer. They will biopsy it and let us know next week.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

So sorry about your dog. I hope they got it all too.

Thanks for your comment on my blog. I don't think I have a bad case. I am already feeling much better. Thank heavens for the miracle of drugs.