Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Day In Melissa Wiley's Life with her ipod touch

Forgive me if this is duplicating something I already written. (When I first started writing this I couldn’t remember how I came across this blog - now I know it is through my friend Lesley Austin of Small Meadow Press). I am reminded of how much I enjoy this blog and wanted to share.

It is one I bookmarked a few years ago and enjoy checking often. And each time I see something else that I like.

• She is a children’s book author – for a series of books about Laura Ingalls Wilder’s ancestors.
• She reads and reviews other books (adult and children’s books)
• She homeschools – which I don’t do, but always like to learn about.
• She has booklists of the books she has read.
• I saw she writes articles for Faith & Family – the magazine for Catholic Living

New Media Guest Blogger
Posted by Danielle Bean in News on Sunday, March 07, 2010 3:00 PM

I am so happy to announce that we’ll have a special guest blogger this week ...
Welcome Melissa Wiley! For any of you who have not heard of Melissa (like you there, for instance, the one crawling out from under that rock), she’s the homeschooling mother of six, popular Catholic mom blogger, author of The Martha Years books about Laura Ingalls Wilder’s great-grandmother, Martha Morse Tucker, and The Charlotte Years books, about Laura’s grandmother, Charlotte Tucker Quiner.
She also happens to be a new media maven, and that’s what she’ll be blogging about with us. She’s shared her Catholic iPhone app expertise here with us in the past, and this week she’ll be guiding us through the exciting—but often daunting, confusing, and overwhelming—world of social networking. She’ll help us navigate the basic and not-so-basic aspects of Facebook and Twitter.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Change in Status

Ending Marymount alumni association

It is hard to believe that seventeen years have passed since Marymount closed. After all that time, the alumni association has decided to relinquish its formal status and will no longer be holding an annual meeting, electing officers, or collecting dues. The organization's formal, non-profit status is the only change which will take place.

the website will continue to be maintained
class records will be kept up-to date and available
Marymount Monday will continue to take place quarterly
the facebook and shutterfly pages will still be available
all announcements, gatherings, and information will be shared via email and our websites

The monies currently in the association account will be donated to the RSHM in Tarrytown, NY.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Welcome Indy

Mother's Day Sunday brought an addition to our household. What a surprise to me, hubby had been thinking about a new puppy. He had contacted the breeder, but not said a word about it. Until she called and he said "I told you to call back on my cell phone".

We dropped everything and drove the 30 minutes to see the puppies that she had available. Hubby had thought we should go with a yellow lab this time so that we would be able to grieve over Pepper as long as we needed to. So we were on our way to look at a few 8 week old yellows.
We didn't get past the 12 week old female black lab that she was training outside the barn. It came over to greet us and followed our son around. So cute!

So, did I mention the puppy is female? Oh well - our son named her "Indy" after Indiana Jones.