I don't know. But yesterday I heard a speaker talk about raising Healthy Happy Kids and it was definitely a kick in the butt! It was a great talk and of course nothing surprising, just a reminder that the best foods for you are nature's own. So, I decided that today would be like January 1 - right after resolutions were made - and I will try to facilitate me and my family eating more fruits and vegetables, grains and legumes.
The speaker talked about how children these days eat so much more junk food and don't get the daily recommended servings of vegetables, etc. They also attribute children's illnesses, behavioral problems and mood swings to diet.
The last quote that I am going to give is that "your body craves more of what you are eating" - so if you eat junk food, that is what you crave. But once you switch to eating fruits and veggies, that is what you will be craving.
I am going to give it a try!