Every once in a while you come across something that you really want to share and I tripped over it yesterday on a friend's blog. I am copying her description because it does a great job of summing it up.
PaperBack Swap is an online book swap. It's free to join. You list the books you have to give away (and hardbacks are fine). Members then can search for books. You get an email requesting one of your books, you print a label for it from the site, and you mail your book off. When the requesting member receives it, you get a point.
Every point you earn is good for one book that you can then request. And there are thousands and thousands of books--my friend said she has gotten just about all of her bookclub books there this year, several bestsellers, several fantastic cookbooks, lots of kids' books...you name it. For the price of postage to mail her own books away.
I highly recommend it.
ps--Once you're a member, you can earn referral points when people join based on your good word. If you join, I'd love the referral--the email I use for that account is chapman8809 at verizon dot net. Thanks!!
pps- -I joined last night and have already mailed off 3 books and ordered 2.